InLevel Up CodingbyAlexander NguyenResources a Googler is Using to Be a Software Engineer in 2023New Year, New BooksJan 1, 20233191Jan 1, 20233191
InGeek CulturebyMachine Learning Quick ReadsThis Interview Question Was Asked by Google 90 Times in Past 6 MonthsLeetcode 818. Race CarOct 23, 202243Oct 23, 202243
Subham PalTop 5 mistakes candidates do in FAANG interviewsI have given various technical interviews for the role of software engineer in major tech companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook…Oct 26, 2022441Oct 26, 2022441
Aakash MadanHow not to get rejected by Google?Google interviews aren’t just about Leetcoding, there’s much more to it than just writing code.Oct 18, 20221602Oct 18, 20221602
InLevel Up CodingbyArslan AhmadDon’t Just LeetCode; Follow the Coding Patterns InsteadWhat if you don’t like to practice 100s of coding questions before the interview?Sep 15, 202210.8K78Sep 15, 202210.8K78
Raffaele GarofaloHow to ace an Interview for a FAANG CompanyGetting a job for a FAANG company has been one of the most researched topic on Medium in the last few years and even on YouTube you will…Aug 26, 202267Aug 26, 202267
Programming PathshalaThese are some must-know algorithms to crack FAANG interviews!I often get this question asked by our students at Programming Pathshala, as everyone wants to crack FAANG companies and what better than…Apr 26, 202290Apr 26, 202290
Sandeep KumarInterview Questions| Microsoft -2022Solving recently asked questions will increase your chances of an offer from Microsoft.Sep 4, 20222312Sep 4, 20222312
Sandeep KumarInterview Questions| Amazon -2022The latest interview questions being asked by Amazon. Let’s check if you can solve these.Aug 27, 20221763Aug 27, 20221763
InCodeXbyArslan AhmadTop 7 Facebook System Design Interview Questions and Answers (2025)Practice these questions before your next Facebook interview!Aug 21, 20222442Aug 21, 20222442
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyGarima ShrivastavaMy Interview Experience with AmazonA Success Journey From a Startup to FAANGMar 8, 202273Mar 8, 202273
InSupportive Software EngineerbyAlexander NguyenWhy Anyone Will be Successful at GoogleTime is Money, and Google has a lot of it.Jul 26, 20223543Jul 26, 20223543
Vishnu Vardhan Reddy ChaparapuInto Google and Beyond | Interview Experience | Software EngineerMy Journal of experiences before, during, and after the Google interview process. Loaded with tips and things to avoid.Mar 5, 20222022Mar 5, 20222022
InInterviewNoodlebyArslan AhmadTop Coding Patterns for FAANG Coding InterviewsCoding patterns enhance our “ability to map a new problem to an already known problem.”Jul 27, 20221.5K7Jul 27, 20221.5K7
Sunny BeatteayThe resources I used to prepare for FAANG interviewsCoding ResourcesJul 2, 20223051Jul 2, 20223051
Har Narayan SinghInterview prep topics list for MAANG and other tier-1 SW companiesAfter reading How I got 6 offers in 2 months from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, VMware, Salesforce and Target Corp many people asked me to…Jul 22, 20224965Jul 22, 20224965
Supriya SupekarHow I Landed a Job at GoogleThis article features my experience of getting a job at Google. Plus, there is an extensive list of resources that will help you to be the…Jul 1, 2022613Jul 1, 2022613
InStartup StashbyAlexander Nguyen4 Tips to Ace Your Next Coding InterviewWe know the coding process well. Do a lot of LeetCode problems, and get a lot of offers. But it does not always work that way. Not every…Apr 28, 202235Apr 28, 202235
Alexander NguyenThe coding interview formula that got me into GoogleThe advice we see everywhere online is to study coding interview problems, especially on LeetCode. This makes sense, especially since a…Apr 26, 20228107Apr 26, 20228107